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Mayyu Khan

Visual Artist

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Mayyu Khan was born in 2002 in Anuk Pyin of Rathedaung, a coastal own in Arakan. His parents have been refugees twice and their citizenship was illegally taken away from them in 1982. He has been practicing photography and filmmaking with a small mobile since 2015. ‘I like to take nature and street photographs the most. Photography contributes to my mental and economic development. I think my pictures are part of our history towards a brighter future. Photography can helps us tell the real situation of our minds and society, to deal with chaos and discover ourselves; a testimony of our life for the future.’ —he explains. 

In addition to his work in photography, Mayyu Khan has diversified his creative pursuits to include illustration, painting, writing, and historical research. In 2020, his artistic talents were recognised when he was selected as a winner of Oxfam's "Realities; Rohingya Futures" art competition


That same year, he collaborated with Rohingya writer and storyteller Mohammed Rezuwan to illustrate and publish collection of traditional Rohingya Folktales. Building on this, a couple of years later he illustrated the book 'Will Justice Ever Prevail for the Ousted Rohingya?: Deen Visits Dunya,' a true story that he published as an educational resource for middle-school teachers of English, history, and social sciences.


Through his diverse creative output spanning photography, illustration, writing, and research, Mayyu Khan has made significant contributions to preserving and sharing Rohingya cultural heritage. One example of his devotion to this cause was his conceptual design of a Rohingya muffler that included several motifs based on Rohingya history, culture and geography. In 2024, he resettled in New Zealand.

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